Djurgården joins up with MoveByBike

In the summer of 2019, we began working with MoveByBike, a cargo bike company that could deliver brochures to hotels in the Stockholm area. The decision to work with them was completely in line with our vision for a car- and fossil-free Djurgården. We are now looking forward to opening up for the summer of 2021. However, we expect digitalisation to eventually take over completely. So, even if the bicycle belongs to the future, printed brochures do not.

A green collaboration

“Djurgården is a green island right in the centre of Stockholm. Through this new partnership with MoveByBike, our island will become even more green”, says Camilla Zedendahl, CEO for the Royal Djurgården Society. “We encourage our guests to cycle here. Through this partnership we will now see cargo bikes in and around the Royal National City Park. In a recent survey, we asked 50 of Stockholm’s hotels whether they still wanted printed information about Djurgården. And the response was surprising”.

In line with Djurgården’s vision to be car- and fossil-free

“We were surprised to hear that hotels still want leaflets to hand out to their guests”, Camilla Zedendahl continues. “But once we knew this was the case, we decided that we wanted to start distributing printed material in a smarter way. The cargo bike company MoveByBike was an obvious choice for us, as we’d love to see even more bikes at Djurgården”.

“Through the Royal Djurgården Society, many of our attractions are working together for a fossil-free, car-free Djurgården. And this new initiative is a part of this. The attractions’ leaflets will be delivered to the hotels by cargo bike four times a year”.

Looking ahead

“We are pleased to have started working with the Royal Djurgården Society and to be able to show the potential of cargo bike deliveries”, says MoveByBike’s co-founder Jeppe Larsen. “Not only is it a more environmentally-friendly option, it is also a more cost-effective mode of transport”.

Cargo bike deliveries help to reduce Stockholm’s carbon footprint (11.6)

Djurgården’s attractions are working together with MoveByBike (17.17)

Cargo bike deliveries reduce CO2 emissions (13.2)

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