Royal Djurgården restaurants part of sustainable food network

Djurgården is home to a fantastic food scene; some of Sweden’s most famous restaurants and top chefs have set up shop here. You can sample traditional Swedish cuisine, as well as international flavours and more modern twists on famous Swedish dishes.

In March 2019, the Royal Djurgården Society began working with Sweden’s Sustainable Restaurants Network. Through this, Djurgården’s restaurants have had the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge in sustainability. The majority of our restaurants have participated in 12 hours of workshops together.

The work continues.

Learning more about sustainability

We know we need to focus on eating more sustainably, now and in the future. Food is a big player in the sustainability game. Here at Royal Djurgården, we are focusing on food and making it one of our main priorities. It is also an important part of helping us to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We want to pull our weight. And with about 30 restaurants all in one place, this is our chance to make a difference.

This was why we joined Sweden’s Sustainable Restaurants Network. Royal Djurgården’s restaurants have been able to take part in workshops on various themes. Here, they can share knowledge and learn from and inspire one another. An important part of the scheme is measuring the impact between workshops, to see what difference they’ve made. Some restaurants have even had a coach come into the kitchen to help take their work in a sustainable direction.

We are very pleased to be a part of Sweden’s Sustainable Restaurants Network. It is a network of restaurants aiming to create a more sustainable restaurant business.

The following restaurants are part of the sustainable food network at Royal Djurgården:
Café Monika Ahlberg, Thielska Galleriet
Djurgårdsbrons Sjöcafé
Gubbhyllan, Skansen
Krogen Stora Gungan
Lilla Hasselbacken
Nordiska museets restaurang
Oaxen Krog & Slip
Pop House Food and Bar
Prinsens kök, Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde
Rosendals Trädgård
Rosendals Wärdshus
Spritmuseums restaurang
Tekniska by Pontus
Vasamuseets Restaurang
Villa Godthem
Villa Källhagen

Partnerships for the goals

Royal Djurgården works with other organisations to build a sustainable restaurant culture (17.17)

Responsible consumption and production

Royal Djurgården’s restaurants promote sustainable food consumption and production (12.1-8)