Djurgården is a green haven for Stockholmers; everyone is welcome to come here to relax, get their culture fix and enjoy themselves. Stockholm is a fast-growing city, and the developments are having an impact on our resident insects. If we want to continue to be able to harvest fruit, enjoy blossoming nature and have fertile soil, protecting and preserving our insects’ habitats is vital. Djurgården is home to Europe’s biggest population of oak trees, which have been important habitats for thousands of species of insects for hundreds of years. Protecting biodiversity is thus one of the most important reasons to protect and conserve the oaks.
We are doing our part
For Djurgården’s attractions, therefore, it is important to help build green corridors and pollinator-friendly spaces in the Stockholm region. In addition to the Royal Djurgården Administration’s environmental work and initiatives such as Stockholm Loves Pollinators, several of Djurgården’s restaurants have created their own pollinator-friendly gardens. Others such as the Museum of Ethnography, Tekniska museet, Skansen and Rosendal’s Garden have their own beehives, which are managed by local beekeepers. They then sell the honey in their shops. If you happen to be at Rosendal’s Garden at the right time, you’ll get to see the beekeepers extracting the honey.
Tips from us to you
There are lots of things you can do to make your garden more attractive to insects, and we’ve shared some ideas below. Why not see if you can find one that you can do?
As they say, no one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
Plant pollinator-friendly plants in a flower bed or pot
Grow a wild patch
Mow the lawn less frequently
Do not use pesticides
Build insect hotels
Build a log pile
Did you know…? Bees communicate with one another through dance! Known as the ”waggle dance”, it lets the other bees know the direction and distance to a nectar source.
To produce a kilo of honey, bees must gather nectar from six to eight million flowers; the average bee will produce around 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.
Djurgården’s attractions protect ecosystems and biodiversity (15.5)
Djurgården’s attractions work with others to promote pollinators (17.17)