The Royal Djurgården Society have signed The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism. Thereby joining destinations such as Gothenburg, Athens, Finland, Scotland and 700 others worldwide. Together, we commit to act on the climate issue and contribute to reducing the climate impact of the tourism industry.
An important step
On November 15, roughly 80 representatives of the Royal Djurgården Society gathered to follow up on jointly set goals and look ahead. As part of the long-term and strategic sustainability work, the board of the Royal Djurgården Society signed The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism during the meeting. Present via link to witness the signing was Jeremy Smith, one of the co-authors of the declaration. The Declaration was officially launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021. It is a global initiative that encourages the acceleration of climate action in tourism. This by securing commitments to reduce emissions in tourism.
An action plan with jointly set goals
The Glasgow Declaration highlights the urgent need to act on the climate issue. The signatories undertake to measure, reduce their emissions, regenerate, and secure financing. By signing the declaration, the Royal Djurgården Society undertake to develop an action plan for reduced emissions within twelve months. Through the targeted work done amongst the stakeholders, a plan has already been drawn up and will be submitted shortly.
A declaration for reduced emissions
The Glasgow Declaration was created to increase commitment and drive development to reduce tourism’s carbon dioxide emissions. The goal is to halve emissions over the next ten years and to reach net zero as soon as possible before the year 2050.
– At Royal Djurgården we want to help drive the development of sustainable tourism. Signing The Glasgow Declaration is a natural step following the deep commitment to these issues that all of us at Djurgården feel. It requires us to measure, act and follow up. That is completely in line with the way we already work, says Camilla Zedendahl, CEO of Royal Djurgården Society.
On the same day, it was also announced that the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) has decided to locate its world congress to Sweden, Stockholm and Royal Djurgården in 2024 following a joint invitation from Visit Sweden, Visit Stockholm, Tillväxtverket and Royal Djurgården Society.
- The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action was drawn up during COP26 in Glasgow 2021.
- It was produced in collaboration between the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Visit Scotland, the Travel Foundation and Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency.
- Until November 2022, the declaration has been signed by roughly 700 stakeholders from all sectors within the tourism industry. These are states and institutions, regions and destinations, companies, organizations from the private sector, civil society, and academia.
- On September 27, 2022, the Royal Djurgården Society received the Green Destinations Platinum Award for their work based on GSTC’s established criteria.
- On 15 November 2022, the Royal Djurgården Society signed the declaration.

Royal Djurgården’s strategic work for a fossil-free Djurgården promotes the climate. By signing The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action, we undertake to reduce our CO2 emissions and thereby contribute to a reduction of the tourism industry’s climate impact. (13.2)