The Royal Djurgården Society (Kungliga Djurgårdens Intressenter) brings together about 60 attractions at Djurgården. We work together for the sustainable growth and development of Royal Djurgården, based on shared values. The Royal Djurgården Society works closely with the Royal Djurgården Administration, which manages the Swedish King’s right of disposition of Royal Djurgården, looks after the nature, protects our cultural landscapes and ensures that recreational activities take place in harmony with the natural environment.
Through the common Djurgården identity, ‘Royal Djurgården’, these attractions enhance their own operations and Djurgården as a whole. Together, we are Scandinavia’s #1 attraction. With the Royal Djurgården Society as the hub and engine, our attractions meet, identify challenges and seek solutions together.

Working together takes us forward – we have a core team
Working together is one of Djurgården’s five shared values, and it is central to the way we work. The agreement is: we don’t work together for the sake of it, but always for the purpose of creating or solving something that we can do better together than individually.
A dedicated sustainability team is instrumental in our joint sustainability work. The work includes initial visions and ideas, the development of strategies and concrete action plans as well as planning and implementing initiatives. This is all for the benefit of Djurgården as a whole and the attractions themselves.
Our sustainability team
Those who generously offer their time and knowledge for the long-term sustainable development of Djurgården through their involvement in the sustainability team are:
Madeleine Andersson, Hotel Manager Cirkus Venues
Magnus Andersson, the Royal Djurgården Administration
Helena Bladh, Sustainability Manager at the Royal Djurgården Administration
Annika Brantingsson, Sustainability Manager at Tekniska museet
Gabriella Granditsky, Sustainability Manager at Parks and Resorts, including Gröna Lund at Djurgården
Thererse Gustavsson, controller at Stiftelsen Nordiska museet
Tin-Tin Jersild, Operations Manager at Rosendal’s Garden
Thomas Laurell, Chief of staff Stockholm Business Region
Isabella Lian, Sustainability project manager, Parks and Resorts, including Gröna Lund at Djurgården
Jan Naumburg, Sustainability Manager at the Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums, including the Vasa Museum, Maritime Museum and Vrak – Museum of Wrecks at Djurgården
Karin Ringholm, Parkchef at Skansen
Camilla Zedendahl, CEO of the Royal Djurgården Society
and Karin Sallander, the Royal Djurgården Society
Value-driven work
When we work together at Djurgården, the starting point is not target groups, but values. By neglecting target groups and traditional marketing, and instead communicating and working together based on shared values, we open up the opportunity for a Djurgården that lifts and supports one another. By focusing on working together, we have built a well-established and stable foundation and a clear direction for our work. This has given us an identity which visitors can relate to. In turn, this strengthens Stockholm and Sweden’s identities as destinations.
Act more sustainably, work together, lead change

Our sustainability work will take place in several stages. The first step will be to analyse the work we currently do at Djurgården, to see what we can do to act more sustainably. By being more aware of the impact that our food and drink, transport, and supplier and purchasing choices are having on the environment and climate, we can make clear decisions about how we can reduce this negative impact. Through working together and sharing knowledge, we inspire one another, which in turn strengthens our sustainability work and contributes to a positive societal development. Our goal is to act in such a way that we can even inspire others around us to think and act sustainably. Our ultimate goal is to lead change. We see sustainability as a key part of our identity as Stockholm, Sweden and Scandinavia’s #1 attraction. We want to be at the forefront and be an inspiration to others.
External collaborations
But we do not live in a bubble. We are constantly inspired by the efforts that take place in our surrounding world, not least by other organizations and companies in society and in our industry. An important part of our work is to collaborate with organizations outside Djurgården as well.