To be a part of the first National City Park in the world

Royal Djurgården’s Society is proud to be a part of the first National City Park in the world — and in Sweden. The Royal National City Park is a protected area, and in 2020, this historical park turned 25 years old.   

A National City Park is a unique historical landscape of importance for both the national cultural heritage and ecology of an urban area. The difference between a National City Park and other nature reserves is that it must be located in an urban area. It must also have a care and development plan that presents an overall picture of the goals and guidelines for the park’s care, maintenance and development. It should also be a source of inspiration and knowledge sharing.  

The historical landscape that the Royal National City Park protects is spread over the areas of Stockholm, Solna and Lidingö and is over 10 kilometres long.  

For centuries, the park and Djurgården have been a big part of the life of Stockholmers. It is the place where they go for walks, have picnics amongst the nature, eat at wonderful restaurants and cafés and enjoy all of the museums and attractions. The area has always been a place where residents come to relax and enjoy themselves, and the park should be a vibrant environment that everyone can enjoy. In 2009, Stockholm City Council put together an overview plan for the National City Park and named the southwestern part of Djurgården ‘The Event Park’. We are proud that the southern part of Djurgården offers wonderful wildlife, where animals and species can live in the untouched nature, as well as opportunities for people to enjoy themselves in the Event Park.  

In the overview plan and the National City Park’s care and development plan, you can read about the development of the Event Park. How it can remain as a place for entertainment as it has done for hundreds of years; how it can do so in accordance with tradition; how it can continue to be Stockholm’s most important attraction for visitors. We want to protect the cultural heritage we have here at Djurgården while also ensuring its development into the future.  

The law that protects the National City Park today protects its nature and cultural values. In addition, there are rules regarding its care and management, as well as municipal legislation, and planning laws in place, based on its status as a National City Park. With all this in mind, we can be sure that the park and buildings will not be changed in any way that affects their cultural historical value. 

By converting residual masses from the expansion of Stockholm’s subway into a local resource, the project uses a holistic view for urban planning. (11.6)

The project creates a new viable environment and a sanctuary for natural life to develop. (15.1)

The National City Park contributes towards health and well-being (3.4)