Facts & Documents

For us, it is important that our joint sustainability work is structured, clear and transparent. You’ll find some of the materials we use to help us with our work below.

We measure our impact

To know what we want to do and where we want to go, we need to know where we are. Measuring, analysing, developing and carrying out strategies is essential. This was why we carried out an initial analysis in spring 2017, together with the company U&We. In 2019, we carried out a second analysis, which formed the four focus areas for our continued work. We have yet to decide whether we will carry out an analysis in 2021 to highlight the unique pandemic year of 2020.

Common goals

The board of Royal Djurgården Society / Kungliga Djurgårdens Intressenter made an early decision to work strategically with sustainability, based on jointly set goals. For several years, the Team for Sustainability has prepared a target document with goals for the next 6 years in each of our four focus areas: Fossil-free and traffic-smart Djurgården, A sustainable food culture, Open, accessible, and welcoming Djurgården and A world exhibition on Sustainability.

On November 9, 2021, all stakeholders gathered to discuss the target document for joint consideration for the first time. To help us, we had created a workbook as a basis for discussion and processing (only available in Swedish).

At the Royal Djurgården Society’s / Kungliga Djurgårdens Intressenter annual meeting on 20 April 2022, the target document was adopted.

The work is continuously monitored in a dedicated document, which is constantly updated and kept current. Are you curious about the latest edition? You can find it here:

Sustainability Pyramid

Our sustainability pyramid provides a platform for our joint sustainability work. It is the framework for what we all do; we constantly strive upwards together.

LEAD – Through continuous improvement and innovation and working together, we hope to inspire others to follow suit, but also to visit us so that they can experience our sustainability work for themselves.

INSPIRE – We want to inspire others with our actions. We develop our resources and facilities so that we can educate, present and host discussions on sustainability. We also take inspiration from others.

COOPERATE – To succeed in the long run, cooperation is essential. Working together not only helps to execute our strategies and involve all KDI members, but also external groups and initiatives. When we are faced with so many complex challenges, lots of us need to cooperate in order to solve them.

BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY – We audit all areas of Djurgården, looking at impact from various perspectives. Based on the facts identified and the values shared, we craft a strategy. A strategy that results in a trustworthy and genuine Djurgården with minimum negative impact, and inspiring activities that lead towards a sustainable future.

Shared documents

We have produced and developed several documents together. Here are some examples:

Our commitment to a clean and tidy Djurgården was jointly approved in spring 2019.

A template that can be used for establishing your own sustainability policy.

We are preparing a sustainable events policy, to be used from 2021.

Certifications, awards and prizes

Djurgården’s sustainability work is always ongoing. Sustainability feeds into every one of our attractions’ work. Their amazing work is shown not only through the various certifications that they receive, but also through the many awards and prizes that they have received over the years.

Royal Djurgården-guide

All of our work at Djurgården is based on a shared identity and set values. The guide to our identity is available in Swedish.

Real-time visitor tracking

In a project together with the Royal Djurgården Administration and with support from the Royal National City Park’s development fund, the Royal Djurgården Society measures the number of visitors and visitor flows at Djurgården. There are approximately 25 fixed measuring stations located around the island, which pick up anonymised mobile phone signals and provide 24-hour data. We started the project in 2019, with the aim of getting a clearer picture of visitor numbers and movements over time, varying from days to years. This data could then be used to help with future management of visitor numbers and form a basis for improving public transport capacity here at Djurgården.

However, due to the pandemic, it has not been possible to measure “normal” visitor numbers and movements. Instead, the data is a way of showing the huge impact the pandemic has had on the travel and tourism and hospitality industries. Unsurprisingly, it shows a huge reduction in the number of visitors. In the graph below, we can see that February — the last month before the start of the pandemic — was the month with the highest visitor numbers for Djurgården in 2020.