Baltic Sea Science Center: a place for learning about sustainability at Skansen

The Baltic Sea: a unique inland sea

Almost everything we do on land affects the Baltic Sea. Through the Baltic Sea Science Center, Skansen works to raise awareness about the situation in the Baltic Sea and what we can do to preserve our unique inland sea. 
The Baltic Sea Science Center at Skansen opened in 2019. Skansen, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm Vatten och Avfall and BalticSea2020 developed the centre. Its purpose is to raise awareness about this fantastic underwater environment. Moreover, it seeks to shed light on the current situation and how we can and need to act together.

Working together to improve sustainability

It all began about ten years ago when Skansen saw a need to take a more sustainable-orientated approach to the zoo side of their work. After a few tentative attempts to determine a direction, it was the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences who showed an interest in working together with Skansen. They wanted to focus on sustainability and aquaculture. Over time, the focus of the project shifted more and more towards the Baltic Sea. When BalticSea2020 and Stockholm University latched on, the Baltic Sea became the sole focus for the project. A team of representatives from each organisation came together and came up with the concept of an experience-based information centre. At the BSSC, they focus on targeted teaching for school classes. Hence why Stockholm Vatten och Avfall was an obvious choice.

An important information centre

Even before Skansen was founded, a zoological collection – as it was called at the time – stood in place of where the Baltic Sea Science Center does now. During the 1950s, a sea lion enclosure was built and existed for about 30 years. Several other types of animals lived in the enclosure thereafter, until it was permanently closed in the early 2000s. The site’s history and setting became the guiding principles in the construction of the Baltic Sea Science Center’s now award-winning building.

The goal is for over half of Skansen’s guests to visit the Baltic Sea Science Center. Additionally, Skansen aims to teach at least 500 school classes on site each year. Djurgården has been a place for enjoyment – but also for doing good – for hundreds of years. In the same spirit, Skansen and the BSSC are working together to create unforgettable experiences and raise awareness amongst big and small. The hope is that this will create a better understanding of the state of the Baltic Sea and what needs to be done to improve and maintain the life of our nearest sea.

Exteriör vy över Baltic Sea Science Center
Baltic Sea Science Center opened in April 2019
Skolelever och mikroskop på Baltic Sea Science Center
The information centre has rooms for educational activities, including a biology lab

The Baltic Sea Science Center helps protect important natural heritage (11.4)

It is the result of a cross-industry collaboration between many different groups and organisations (17.17)

The Baltic Sea Science Center contributes scientific knowledge for a healthier Baltic Sea (14.A)

It educates visitors on sustainable development (4.7)