• Skansen Engages High School Students to Spread Hope for the Future of the Baltic Sea

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Stromma launches its first electric sightseeing boat

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Neon sign with the text TAKE AWAY

    Circular and Resource-Efficient – A Path Towards Common Goals

  • Strömmabåt och en julgran.

    Christmas trees becomes habitat for fish

  • Isbladslagunen

    Building for the future
  • Skansen helps place Bladderwrack in the Baltic Sea

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Planet or Plastics?

  • Paddlare som plockar skräp i vattnet

    The Maritime Museum collaborates with GreenKayak

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Termosmugg i bambu

    Bring your own cup for a discount on your coffee

    A sustainable food culture
  • Skansen industry winner in the Sustainable Brand Index 2023

  • Royal Djurgården is awarded the international Green Destinations Platinum Award

  • The Baltic Sea in focus for young people’s learning

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • “Skroten” – good food and national environmental work

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Plastic crafts of eighth graders to be exhibited at the National Museum of Science and Technology

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Sjöhistoriska museet sett från vattnet

    All-electric boats make a splash at Djurgården

    A fossil-free and trafficsmart Djurgården
  • Agneta Green

    Djurgården wins two sustainability prizes

    A sustainable food culture
  • Plastpåse som fastnat uppe i ett träd

    Fighting against litter – together!

    A fossil-free and trafficsmart Djurgården
  • Can we feed the planet with 2000m2?

    A sustainable food culture
  • Plastsugrör i klara färger

    Time to focus on plastic and single-use items

    A fossil-free and trafficsmart Djurgården
  • Barn uppklädd som viking plockar skräp

    Litter-picking day at Royal Djurgården

    A fossil-free and trafficsmart Djurgården
  • Skräpfynd från vattnet utanför Vasamuseet. Rostig cykel, däck, stol.

    What lies beneath the surface?

    Open, accessible and welcoming Djurgården
  • Exteriör vy över Baltic Sea Science Center

    Baltic Sea Science Center: a place for learning about sustainability at Skansen

    Building for the future
  • Barn seglar jollar i solsken

    The Maritime Museum washes their boats for a cleaner Baltic Sea

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • The Baltic Sea Science Center gives an insight into life under the sea

    A world exhibition on sustainability
  • Simmande Öring

    Skansen’s trout are moving out

    A world exhibition on sustainability